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Creating a Better Peace

How can Israelis and Palestinians commit to peace amidst so much tragedy? If humanity doesn’t unite, what will? Creating a Better Peace will show how partnering on interconnected challenges and shared goals can create a culture of equality, prosperity and the conditions for peace. Creating a Better Peace looks at successful models of Israeli-Palestinian, cross border alliances bringing economic investment and social progress to a divided land. As they work to overcome the tensions and obstacles of October 7th, Creating a Better Peace asks how can the shared goals and objectives of Palestinians and Israelis be re-aligned? Can neighbors rebuild trust and work together? We’ll be following the different paths to peace through the people working for peaceful solutions that are making a real difference.  

Associated Members

Marjorie Nielsen


We are grateful for the generous support of our sponsors:

National Endowments for the Arts
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Lowel Cultural Council
Cabot Family Charitable Trust
Liberty Mutual Foundation
City of Boston Arts and Culture