Return to Berneray
Over 35 years ago two young American filmmakers, Allen Moore and Jack Shea, lived on a remote island in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland for a full year to document the daily life of a traditional shepherding and fishing community. Their film, “The Shepherds of Berneray”, is a study of the centuries-old crofting traditions of the island of Berneray, and a portrait of the Gaelic speaking people whose lives reflected the underpinnings of this heritage.
Today, combining contemporary, poetic “verite” footage with scenes from the original film’s outtakes, a new documentary, the sole creation of Allen Moore, is in production. “Returning to Berneray” will tell stories of life in transition, reflecting on the past and the present, and will provide insight into the modern Berneray community and the challenges it faces in the future.
Associated Members
Allen Moore