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OG* (*The Right Side of History, Wrong Side of the Law)

OG* (*The Right Side of History, Wrong Side of the Law) is a non-fiction, feature film about the OGs of the Emerald Triangle – the hippies, the hustlers, the activists, and yes, the outlaws, who changed our world with their weed. They fought the war on drugs and created the marijuana culture we take for granted today. But the real story of how it all happened has never been told…until now. 

Because the greed rush is on, the OGs are ready to break their wall of secrecy to share their stories of the hopes, the craziness, the heart – and what it’s really like to be on the right side of history, but the wrong side of the law.

Associated Members

Michele Mitchell, Independent Filmmaker


We are grateful for the generous support of our sponsors:

National Endowments for the Arts
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Lowel Cultural Council
Cabot Family Charitable Trust
Liberty Mutual Foundation
City of Boston Arts and Culture