Founded in 1997, provides an essential online resource for the local film community, enabling members to find share and film gigs, promote themselves, and keep informed about the local industry. But urgently needs your support to keep these services going.
For over 20 years, has provided free membership to its users that offers free benefits such as a section to view and post jobs, volunteer gigs, and partnership opportunities; the ability to create industry directory listings for individuals and businesses; and access to updated industry news, interviews, profiles, and how-to articles. And in 2009, they launched the Online New England Film Festival, a collaborative festival that showcases short local films.
All of these services have remained and will remain free to the thousands of people who use them every month. operates on an incredibly lean budget. Our core expenses include site hosting, software and maintenance; email management software; our trademark and business licenses; and the stipend for our small freelance team including writers (yes, we pay them) and our Associate Editor/Site Moderator, who approves every single new account by hand, which ensures our site is always completely spam-free.
We need to raise $5,000 annually from our community. So, we ask those of you who regularly use and love, please support us today with a tax-deductible donation through Filmmakers Collaborative. It could be $5. It could be $30. It could be $300. Every dollar will help.
We want to keep going for another 20 years. But we will not be able to do it without your support.
Associated Members