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The +Club is a Financial Literacy and Life Skills multimedia platform targeted for underserved communities with a pilot program in Newark, New Jersey. The afterschool and companion on-line program offer a foundational educational experience for high school students in an engaging and edutainment manner to help prepare them for life in the modern economy. The initiative aims to foster good financial habits and behaviors, putting them on the long-term path to building wealth and, ultimately, financial independence.
There is a wealth of material related to financial literacy available from multiple, reputable sources. The inherent problem is much of the material is not engaging to today’s students, nor is it targeted to specific communities. +Club solves this problem by offering the following differentiated elements:​
  • ​Customized and targeted program to address the specific needs/issues for underserved communities. Special attention is given to the trusted messenger and curated content.​​
  • An edutainment approach is utilized to create and sustain student interest. Short form videos and computer software games are integrated into the educational curriculum with engaging discussion to effectively create a compelling experience.​
  • Financial literacy is expanded to incorporate life skills advice focused on improving mindset, attitudes, habits and techniques (e.g., decision-making, daily living, career and life planning), ultimately changing behavior.​
  • Relatable role models share their personal stories as real-life examples to aspire to and be inspired by. This element will empower self-initiative by offering aspirational discussions on promoting life possibilities while complementing these narratives with practical advice.
  • Direct links to materials online to create worthwhile interactive experiences that may be reviewed after class.​
  • In designing the +Club program, we seek to change behavior for lasting, positive impact based on best strategies/techniques from self-help and cognitive behavioral approaches.
Financial literacy skills are made accessible in a relatable/meaningful manner to help improve financial well being. The +Club complements in-person sessions with a multimedia platform offering enduring video programming, an engaging/robust website, and a planned collaborating mentoring network. Attention is focused on proper messengers to deliver the extraordinary content.
​Relatable role models share their personal stories as real-life examples to aspire to and be inspired by. This curated content- +Club Moment- will empower self-initiative by offering aspirational discussions on promoting life possibilities while complementing these narratives with practical advice.
On our website, please view our +Club Moment videos featuring truly extraordinary professionals revealing their thoughtful wisdom and life’s journeys including achievements, challenges and regrets.​

Associated Members

mark pearlman


We are grateful for the generous support of our sponsors:

National Endowments for the Arts
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Lowel Cultural Council
Cabot Family Charitable Trust
Liberty Mutual Foundation
City of Boston Arts and Culture