Bay Creek Tennis Camp
Bay Creek Tennis Camp
LGBTQ+ youth are on the rise in the United States, and in a 2021 study by the Trevor Project, approximately one in four youth identify as nonbinary. These increases have provoked more awareness and dialogue within academic, parenting, medical, and educational communities. At the same time, anti-LGBTQ+ bills are being put through local legislatures at an alarming rate, and most target youth—including their rights to play sports and use bathrooms based on their gender identity.
Bay Creek Tennis Camp gently poses a provocative question—what if gender is not the ideal way to divide youth?
By presenting a story about a group of Gen Alpha kids, played by several nonbinary youth who come together to advocate for themselves and each other, Bay Creek Tennis Camp can be used to entertain, educate, and inform adults and youth. By screening the completed film at festivals, schools, camps, and other venues, our hope is that Bay Creek Tennis Camp can help spark compassionate conversations about youth, gender, and sports.
FUNDRAISING UPDATEBay Creek Tennis Camp is currently in post-production having wrapped an August 2022 shoot on a RED camera. Our cast includes a diverse group of nonbinary youth actors alongside professional actor Paul Kandarian as Coach Charlie. Director Michele Meek has seeded the project with $3,000 and is seeking another $2,700 in donations/contributions to the film.
Associated Members
Michele Meek, Director