Tougher than a Tank: Rough cut screening and discussion

VIA ZOOM | March 25, 2021 | 6:00 PM

Cost: $Free to everyone!

ROUGH CUT SCREENING AND DISCUSSION with the team from Pixela Pictures: Jon Mercer and Tim O’Donnell

Tougher than a Tank (78-minute doc)

A story about reconnection and recovery. Noah Cass and Eddie Ryan are both Marines who sustained injuries while deployed in Iraq. While Noah’s injuries are mostly invisible, Eddie’s case is quite different. During a friendly fire incident Eddie was hit by two .50 caliber rounds in the head. The film documents Noah’s incredible effort to run 145 miles from his home town to Eddie’s in an effort to raise awareness for the ongoing therapy Eddie needs to keep making forward progress.

Link to film will be sent Monday, March 22 and will be avaible to view until Thursday, March 25 at 4pm.

FEEDBACK & DISCUSSION: Thursday, March 25 at 6pm VIA ZOOM


We are grateful for the generous support of our sponsors:

National Endowments for the Arts
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Lowel Cultural Council
Cabot Family Charitable Trust
Liberty Mutual Foundation
City of Boston Arts and Culture